Act on Forde: Sabotage and Abuse
Black-E Main Space
3PM – 5PM
WhatsApp Image 2022-09-06 at 11.36.52

The Forde Report confirmed that senior Labour officials obstructed and undermined the elected leadership during the Corbyn years, even secretly diverting funds in the 2017 election. Forde highlighted a hierarchy of racism under Keir Starmer and criticised the factional abuse of the disciplinary system. The response of the current administration? Silence. So what action should Labour members and affiliates demand after Forde? How can those responsible for these abuses be held to account? Join key figures in what’s sure to be an agenda-setting discussion.


Jeremy Corbyn is the MP for Islington North and former leader of the Labour Party.

Pamela Fitzpatrick is the director of a legal advice charity in Harrow which provides free and independent legal advice and representation to local people. She had written and lectured extensively on the treatment of migrants. She was the Labour Party PPC for Harrow East in 2019.

Mish Rahman is a member of Momentum's National Coordinating Group and a Grassroots Voice candidate for Labour's National Executive Committee

Alex Nunns is a British author, editor and political activist.

James Schneider is the Communications Director for Progressive International and was the co-founder of Momentum and former comms director for Jeremy Corbyn. He is the author of Our Bloc: How We Win.

Leader of Liverpool Community Independents Group and former Lord Mayor of Liverpool

Len McCluskey is the former General Secretary of Unite the Union.

Director of Peace and Justice Campaign

Steve Howell is a journalist, activist and author of three books: Over The Line, Game Changer and his new novel Collateral Damage. In 2017, he was Labour’s Deputy Director of Strategy and Communication


Project for Peace and Justice, founded by Jeremy Corbyn. A hub for discussion and action, building solidarity and hope for a more decent world.

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