How to Build and Exert Power Locally
Venue TBC
11AM – 12:30PM

Want to know how to build support for local issues, exert pressure on and work with your representatives?

Join this session run by Transformed Groups, Momentum activists and councillors, and the Centre for Progressive Change.

We will explore how to do effective community mapping and build relationships around local issues, then we will discuss how to exert pressure on and work effectively with local representatives, also covering some ideas for community wealth building initiatives.

This session is open to anyone but we especially welcome local Transformed and Momentum Groups to come along.


Beth is a former Labour Party community organiser who led the election campaign in Putney in 2019. Beth was previously national training organiser for Momentum.

Preston City Councillor and Member Champion for Women and Lancashire County Councillor.

Transformed Groups are local political education groups putting on festivals and other events where they are. Inspired by TWT's festival, they've been springing up since 2018 - recent festivals included Cardiff Transformed, Kernow Transformed in Cornwall, Tynedale's debates, and climate festival Devon Transformed - with festivals coming soon in Sheffield!

Penny Grennan is an artist, musician and local activist. She set up Tynedale Transformed in 2019, ran the radical knitting and protest song sessions last year and was captured on national news playing her uke. Not to be missed!

Santiago is a Councillor for Islington Council and the Executive Member for Inclusive Economy and Jobs, leading on delivering Community Wealth Building and a fairer local economy for the community.


The Centre for Progressive Change (CPC) is a not-for-profit organisation that offers expertise in creating progressive change in society.

Momentum is a socialist and anti-racist organisation committed to a fundamental and irreversible shift in wealth and power to the working class in all its diversity.

Momentum’s role is to build popular support for socialist ideas and policies through political education and campaigns, and to organise to advance them in the Labour Party, with the aim of electing a socialist Labour Government to deliver them.

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