Nostalgia’s Not Enough: Towards a New Vision of Energy Ownership
Black-E Studio
1PM – 2:30PM
TWT_038 energy ownership option 1

Public ownership is back on the agenda. With energy companies reporting record profits while people choose between eating and heating this winter, calls for renationalising our energy system are gaining traction. However, our demands cannot be shackled to past solutions. To create a truly democratic and sustainable energy sector fit for the 21st century, we must envisage new models of public ownership.

This session will consider two different models of public ownership and outline the integral role of workers in enacting them. We’ll then invite the audience to develop a roadmap to achieving public ownership.


Chris is Labour for a Green New Deal's co-director for Campaigns & Organising.

Adrienne is a Senior Research Fellow at Common Wealth and author of the new book The Value of a Whale

India is Head of Advocacy at the think-tank Autonomy, organising with international and local campaign groups in her spare time.

Hazel is the Regional Secretary for GMB North East, Yorkshire and Humber and has previously organised energy workers in Scotland


Common Wealth design ownership models for a sustainable and democratic economy. Common Wealth's goal is simple: to replace today's unequal economy with institutions that share the wealth that we, in common, create, and wherein dignity, solidarity and freedom are a universal inheritance.

Labour for a Green New Deal envisions a prosperous, socialist, zero-carbon society as the alternative to our current world ridden with political, economic and ecological crises. A Green New Deal will transform the economy through unprecedented investment in technology, infrastructure and people
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