The Working Class Strikes Back!
Black-E Main Space
7PM – 8:30PM

From climate breakdown and Covid, to the runaway cost of living, the gap between the 1% and working class people is at its greatest for decades. And with inflation set to hit 18% next year and another fatal energy price hike just weeks away, it's clear that neither the government nor the official opposition are coming to save us. But whilst the situation feels desperate, workers and communities are fighting back, with a wave of strikes proving that when we organise, resistance is possible!

In our Saturday night rally hosted by John McDonnell and including speakers from Enough is Enough, Momentum, the RMT, the FBU, Don't Pay and the Liverpool Dockers, we'll hear about the overlapping crisis we face, and why recent actions offer us hope for building a socialist alternative.


John McDonnell is the MP for Hayes and Harlington, and former Shadow Chancellor.

Mick Lynch was elected as General Secretary of the RMT in May 2021.

Nadia is the Labour MP for Nottingham East, and a former care worker.

Previously the head of international climate at major environmental NGO Friends of the Earth, Asad is now the executive director of War on Want, a movement committed to ending poverty and inequality.

Kate Dove is the Co-Chair of Momentum. She has worked for SCG MP’s and now works for Trade Unions in Parliament.

Kirstie Paton is an organiser for Don't Pay Lewisham a growing local organisation, inspired by the national Don't Pay Campaign. Kirstie has been active in the labour movement for over 35 years. She was a member of the NEU's National Executive (2016-22). After 27 years in the classroom, she is currently training as a child and adolescent psychotherapist.

John Lynch is a senior shop steward for Unite at the port of Liverpool. He started on the docks in 2005, 10 years after the Liverpool Dockers dispute in 1995, which lasted for 28 months. He will be on strike with 600 of his fellow dockers between September 19th-October 3rd 2022 in a dispute with Peel Ports LTD over a pay.

Elly is a climate organiser with Living Rent based in Glasgow. They currently work with Tipping Point UK and the Defund Climate Chaos coalition and specialise in making climate movements more class accessible and relatable to everyday peoples experiences.

Fire Brigades Union National Executive Council Member, served as a firefighter for 22 years. An ardent socialist and activist that has campaigned most recently on food insecurity, pushing for the right to food to be enshrined in law.

Labour MP for Coventry South. Co-chair of the Socialist Group of Labour MPs

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