Equity: Creative Workers Against the Far Right
St Bride's
12:30PM – 2PM

Trade unions have long been at the forefront of the struggle against the far right and its attempts to divide working people. The latest iteration of the culture war has called on Equity to defend members beyond the workplace. But our organising to defeat the far right must begin at work. Join Equity, the TUC and sister unions to discuss how we should respond to this challenge.


Paul Fleming is the General Secretary of Equity trade union.

Performer and member of Equity's LGBT+ Committee

Sarah Jaffe is the author of Work Won't Love You Back and a labour journalist in Britain and the US.

Head of Equalities and Strategy at the Trades Union Congress (TUC). Formerly a primary school Head Teacher and a national negotiating official at the NASUWT.

Nolan MacGregor is Director of Strategy at Jarrow Insights


Equity is the trade union for actors, singers, models, performers, directors, choreographers, designers, stage managers, and other creative workers in the United Kingdom.

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