Feminise Politics Now!
Kitchen Street
12:30PM – 2PM
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The left is struggling to build the strength and resilience it needs to face the challenges of the decade ahead. Feminising politics doesn’t mean ‘more women’ - it's a more strategic way to organise, prioritising much-needed principles of participation, democracy, care, collaboration, cadre building and collective leadership. Join this workshop run by Feminise Politics Now! as they launch their new resource exploring how to practically orient our structures, culture and projects towards more sustainable, effective models of organising.


Lawyer and human rights activist based in London.

Community Organiser based in Glasgow.

Preston City Councillor and Member Champion for Women and Lancashire County Councillor.


A project and network of activists, educators, researchers and organisers engaged in the work of making their organisations more sustainable and strategic, prioritising key principles from care, to cooperation, participation and anti-oppression.

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