The future of the pink tide: Coalitions, victories and challenges for the Latin American Left
Black-E Main Space
4:30PM – 6PM

While the right is strong globally, there have been some victories for Left and social democratic coalitions in Latin America. But while this new pink tide has often had the support of social movements and represented crucial victories over the right, what have these governments achieved once in power, and how should we understand them? Join speakers from Colombia, Brasil and Chile to find out.


Maria Eugenia Londoño is an executive committee member of the Colombian Federation of Educators, the country's main teacher trade union body

Pablo Navarrete is a British-Chilean journalist and documentary filmmaker. He is the founding editor of, an independent voice on Latin American politics, media and culture. He is also runs Alborada Films, a social issue video production company.

Bella Gonçalves is a Brasilian politician and political scientist. She is an elected representative with the Socialism and Liberty Party (PSOL).

Justice for Colombia


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