Troops Out Movement: Anniversary and Lessons
Toxteth TV
10:30AM – 12PM
TWT23_029 (2)

This year sees the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the Troops Out Movement, which campaigned in Britain for the withdrawal of British troops from Ireland and Irish self-determination. How should it now be judged and what are its contemporary lessons? This short film and live discussion will feature activists John McDonnell MP, Nadine Finch, Aly Renwick and Geoff Bell.


John McDonnell is the MP for Hayes and Harlington, and former Shadow Chancellor.

Member of the Troops Out Movement

Nadine is an expert in children’s rights and human trafficking law and has undertaken work as a consultant for UNHCR, UNICEF and the OCHCR and has researched and written widely in these areas.

Geoffrey Bell was born in Belfast and active in the civil rights movement in the North of Ireland from 1967 to 1972.

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