We Get Sick, They Get Rich: How to Resist Health Profiteering
2:30PM – 4PM

From big pharma and big tech to private service providers, unaccountable profit-making corporations are tightening their grip on our health system - all while our NHS edges closer to collapse. In the face of all this, how can we organise as patients and health workers to fight back? Join this session to hear about successful examples of resistance and discuss future strategies to defend the right to health.


Gayle Pledger is the parent of a child with cystic fibrosis, a leading campaigner for the rights of people with cystic fibrosis, joint founder of the global grassroots group Vertex Save Us and senior organiser with Just Treatment.

Dr Andrew Meyerson is an NHS A&E doctor and public health advocate who campaigns with the SOSNHS coalition.

Johnbosco Nwogbo is the lead campaigner at public ownership campaign group We Own It and heads up their NHS campaigns.

Aliya Yule is an Access to Healthcare Organiser at Migrants Organise

Emma Hughes is Just Treatment's Head of Organising and Campaigns. She previously spent a decade at Platform working with those at the frontline of climate change to build green, democratic energy systems, and was a member of the Stansted 15, a group of activists who stopped a deportation flight from leaving Stansted.


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