A New Democracy for a New Politics?
Toxteth TV
12:30PM – 2PM

As the climate crisis intensifies and the cost of living crisis bites harder, our political and media institutions and elites act as barriers to the profound change that we need, and that so many support. But why? And what can we do to change it? Join us as we discuss the democratic crisis and how we build a popular movement for democracy.


Mercedes Villalba is a Scottish Labour politician who has been a Member of the Scottish Parliament for North East Scotland since May 2021.

Dan is a writer and campaigner on media and democratic reform

Frances is Deputy Director of Compass, which campaigns for a more equal, democratic and sustainable society.

Jonathon Shafi is a socialist activist based in Glasgow. He writes Independence Captured, a weekly newsletter, and a regular column on Scottish politics for Novara Media.

Andrew Dolan works in movement building and was formerly Momentum’s Political Coordinator and an advisor to the Labour Party.


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