Feminist Assembly
St Bride's
10:30AM – 12PM
TWT 002

Join our assembly hosted by MeTU, FALA, Decrim Now! and Women’s Strike Assembly, to collectively analyse and strategise around contemporary frontiers of feminist struggle - from abortion and sex work decrim to trans liberation, misogyny in the workers' movement to gendered state violence.


Decrim Now is grassroots campaign group led by sex workers, trade unionists & feminists. They fight for the decriminalisation of sex work.

FALA is a decolonial, intersectional, anti-racist and trans-inclusive assembly of women and non-binary feminists who identify as Latin American.

#MeTU is a grassroots movement fighting against sexism, bullying and sexual harassment in trade unions and the Labour movement, led by women and non-binary survivors and their supporters.

The Women’s Strike is about refusing all the work that women do – whether paid work in offices and factories, or unpaid domestic work in homes, communities and bedrooms.

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