Reimagining Social Care
Black-E Theatre
10:30AM – 12PM

Working in social care is hard. Service users often find themselves not listened to, denied a full quality of life, and in the worst cases, at the hands of state violence and abuse. We ask what workers and service users have in common, and imagine a care system where service users and workers have full control over their lives.


Imogen is a trade union organiser in social care, and editor of Prometheus journal.

Lydia works in social care in Manchester and likes music and dancing

Vivek is an accountant and public policy consultant with a background in health policy, public interest issues and corporate accountability.

Chantelle Lunt is a writer, activist, entrepreneur and founder of the Merseyside Alliance for Racial Equality.

Shabaaz is a British-Asian disabled person with a background in film and other art forms. He's a member of Manchester DPAC and sits on Andy Burnham's disability panel

Jo and Maria are social care activists that supported a campaign to win a real living wage for social care workers across Liverpool.

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