not Just a Transition, a Global Just Transition
1:30PM – 3PM

Join "not Just a Transition, a Global Just Transition" – where we cut through climate buzzwords and dive into the real challenges. Explore why a "global just transition" matters beyond rhetoric. We dissect current transitions, critique narrow national interests, green growth obsessions, and ahistorical views. This isn't about problems; it's about dialogue, understanding, and action. It's not just a future vision; it's happening now. By embracing global interconnectedness, respecting history, and prioritising justice, we shape a present and future beyond extractivism. This event isn't just an event; it's a call to action – today, inspired by yesterday, building a brighter tomorrow.

(opens in a new tab)Register for TWT 23's online sessions here


Tatiana Garavito is an organiser and facilitator working on issues at the intersection of migration, race, and climate justice. With extensive experience in social justice leadership and liberation processes, she also co-leads care & repair efforts at Tipping Point UK. Tatiana is a member of the Post-extractive Futures collective, dedicated to building networks of solidarity, nurturing dreams, fostering co-inspiration, and sharing essential skills for ongoing struggles within a broader framework of care and collaboration.

Vasna Ramasar is a South African scholar-activist based in Scandinavia. As an academic at Lund University, she tries to bring a decolonial and feminist perspective to knowledge production on social and environmental justice. Her research focuses on extractivism; just transitions and critical development studies. She seeks to contribute to transformative change as a core group member of the Global Tapestry of Alternatives; a founding member of the Collective against Environmental Racism; on the steering group for development alternatives in Women against destructive extractivism in Africa and part of the Post Extractive Futures collective.

Gustavo García López is an engaged researcher, educator, and apprentice organizer, from the Caribbean islands of Borikén (Puerto Rico). He currently works as Researcher at the Center for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra, where he forms part of the Ecology and Society Workshop (ECOSOC). He is passionate about befriending trees and waters, and being part of encounters, to contribute to co-creating livable worlds for our human and non-human families. He is a member of JunteGente, Post-Extractive Futures, the Ecosocial Pact of the South, and the Undisciplined Environments blog. He lives uprooted from his lands, but finds home and guiding stars in his daughter Maia, and is held in life by broad networks of care, from people, spirits, memories, and ecologies.

Sebas Muñoz is a Senior Programmes Officer at War on Want and Member of the Advisory Committee at London Mining Network. He works closely with grassroots and frontline social movements, developing justice-oriented approaches to our social and ecological crises. Sebastian helps to coordinate the Global Green New Deal Project and is also part of the Post-Extractive Futures Collective.


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