Novara Media: Moral Panics (additional free ticket required)
Toxteth TV, Online
7:30PM – 9PM
novara live

As Britain enters a period of economic decline, the socially conservative right is on the rise. Moral panics are coming thick and fast, with migrants, LGBTQ+ people and the ‘socially disruptive’ just a selection of targets in recent months. But worryingly, some of these panics are attracting support from both opportunistic politicians and a public who are told things can only get worse. The left must have an answer for rising reactionary politics – so what is it?

Note this event requires an additional (free) ticket from (opens in a new tab)here.

Doors open 30 minutes prior to the start time above.


Contributing editor at Novara Media.

Barnaby Raine is a historian writing his PhD on the rise and fall of visions of ending capitalism in imperial and postcolonial Britain.

Sita Balani is a writer and academic. Her first book "Deadly and Slick: Sexual Modernity and the Making of Race" is out with Verso Books.


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