Social Change Cabaret and Open Mic: Action for Real Change Now!
7PM – 9PM

Hosted by Liverpool’s Collective Encounters, the Social Change Cabaret brings together people in struggle to share their voices, stories, hopes and demands for change.

Regular members of Collective Encounters will perform satirical sketches, songs, and poems to celebrate social action, build solidarity in struggle, and highlight what’s holding us back from affecting the change we so badly need.

TWT attendees are invited to share their own responses to the theme in the Open Mic section. Sing a song, share a poem, or just have a rant about the changes we need in society and/or what’s getting in the way of us achieving it.

Limited 5-minute slots are available so please sign up in advance using this Google Form:

Come along ready to sing and dance along, shout, jeer, and tell us what change YOU want to see.


Collective Encounters is an arts charity specialising in theatre for social change.

They have a participatory theatre programme that stretches across the Liverpool City Region and extend an open invitation to everyone to come and get involved.

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