The Economics of Migration
Black-E Studio
10:30AM – 12PM
TWT23_056 – Credit Cherie Kwok

Migrants are part of the working class, but capitalists and the right leverage racism to undermine class solidarity. Detention and deportation regimes are run for profit, ‘worker shortage’ lists greenlight low pay, welfare and legal aid cuts hurt us all. This session explores the economics of migration and how we can refuse to pay the price of capitalist border violence.

Photo credit: Cherie Kwok


Aliya Yule is an Access to Healthcare Organiser at Migrants Organise

Siobhán is an academic and editor of Asylum for Sale: Profit and Protest in the Migration Industry

Andre is a Liverpool-based decolonial artist and activist and Migrant Justice Lead for People and Planet

Nina Houghton is an organiser at Solidarity Knows No Borders Merseyside.

Manono is a migrants rights campaigner and spectacular public speaker active with These Walls Must Fall and Solidarity Knows No Borders Merseyside


Red Pepper is a quarterly magazine and website of left politics and culture.

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