With rent sky-rocketing, it can sometimes feel easy to think there aren’t enough homes. But what if more private development is making things worse? This panel aims to discuss questions of housing supply, ownership, and displacement. We will look at current debates within housing policy, and try to understand the stakes of decisions.
Laurel Ellis is a trustee of a charity providing bespoke life-time homes for disabled adults and an active campaigner at Atmos4Totnes committed to housing justice.
Artist, curator and community worker born and raised in Manchester.
Gareth a is writer and researcher, whose work covers the policy and politics of the English planning system. He is currently working on a Leverhulme funded project on the privatisation of the UK energy system and the present energy crisis.
Isaac works as an organiser for the Greater Manchester Tenants Union. His first book The Rentier City will be out with Repeater in 2024.
Sociologist researching stigma, local politics, urban government & political economy.