Organising for a Fighting Union: Learning from the Time For Real Change in Unison Campaign
Venue TBC
11AM – 12:30PM
Time for real change

Time for Real Change won a significant majority on UNISON's National Executive Committee just over a year ago. This marked a significant change in fortunes for the union's left wing and raised hopes of a transformation of the union. Since then, Time for Real Change activists have faced serious challenges to their plans for change. Their election successes have been built off of years of rank and file organising by activists across the country and their plans for the future will rely on the same. Join organisers from Time for Real Change for a discussion to learn from their experiences.


Former president of the UK's largest union UNISON and member of Time For Real Change.

Amerit Rait is a member of a Health branch in Greater London, a member of the NEC. Amerit has been elected one of the vice presidents of unison

Glen Williams is a UNISON Branch Secretary, part of the NW lay regional secretariat and chair of the largest UNISON service group of around 700,000 members. Glen is the co-founder of Time For Real Change within UNISON.

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